Section: Scientific Foundations

Machine learning and data mining

The machine learning and data mining techniques investigated in the group aim at acquiring and improving models automatically. They belong to the field of machine or artificial learning [32] . In this domain, the goal is the induction or the discovery of hidden objects characterizations from their descriptions by a set of features or attributes. For several years we investigated Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) but now we are also working on data-mining techniques.

We are especially interested in structural learning which aims at making explicit dependencies among data where such links are not known. The relational (temporal or spatial) dimension is of particular importance in applications we are dealing with, such as process monitoring in health-care, environment or telecommunications. Being strongly related to the dynamics of the observed processes, attributes related to temporal or spatial information must be treated in a special way. Additionally, we consider that the legibility of the learned results is of crucial importance as domain experts must be able to evaluate and assess these results.

The discovery of spatial patterns or temporal relations in sequences of events involve two main steps: the choice of a data representation and the choice of a learning technique.

We are mainly interested in symbolic supervised and unsupervised learning methods. Furthermore, we are investigating methods that can cope with temporal or spatial relationships in data. In the sequel, we will give some details about relational learning, relational data-mining and data streams mining.

Relational learning


Relational learning, also called inductive logic programming (ILP), lies at the intersection of machine learning, logic programming and automated deduction. Relational learning aims at inducing classification or prediction rules from examples and from domain knowledge. As relational learning relies on first order logic, it provides a very expressive and powerful language for representing learning hypotheses especially those learnt from temporal data. Furthermore, domain knowledge represented in the same language can also be used. This is a very interesting feature which enables taking into account already available knowledge and avoids starting learning from scratch.

Concerning temporal data, our work is more concerned with applying relational learning rather than developing or improving the techniques. Nevertheless, as noticed by Page and Srinivasan [55] , the target application domains (such as signal processing in health-care) can benefit from adapting relational learning scheme to the particular features of the application data. Therefore, relational learning makes use of constraint programming to infer numerical values efficiently [62] . Extensions, such as QSIM [43] , have also been used for learning a model of the behavior of a dynamic system [38] . Precisely, we investigate how to associate temporal abstraction methods to learning and to chronicle recognition. We are also interested in constraint clause induction, particularly for managing temporal aspects. In this setting, the representation of temporal phenomena uses specific variables managed by a constraint system [57] in order to deal efficiently with the associated computations (such as the covering tests).

For environmental data, we have investigated tree structures where a set of attributes describe nodes. Our goal is to find patterns expressed as sub-trees [30] with attribute selectors associated to nodes.

Data mining


Data mining is an unsupervised learning method which aims at discovering interesting knowledge from data. Association rule extraction is one of the most popular approach and has deserved a lot of interest in the last 10 years. For instance, many enhancements have been proposed to the well-known Apriori algorithm [19] . It is based on a level-wise generation of candidate patterns and on efficient candidate pruning having a sufficient relevance, usually related to the frequency of the candidate pattern in the data-set (i.e., the support): the most frequent patterns should be the most interesting. Later, Agrawal and Srikant proposed a framework for "mining sequential patterns" [20] , which extends Apriori by coping with the order of elements in patterns.

In [50] , Mannila and Toivonen extended the work of Aggrawal et al. by introducing an algorithm for mining patterns involving temporal episodes with a distinction between parallel and sequential event patterns. Later, in [36] , Dousson and Vu Duong introduced an algorithm for mining chronicles. Chronicles are sets of events associated with temporal constraints on their occurrences. They generalize the temporal patterns of Mannila and Toivonen. The candidate generation is an Apriori-like algorithm. The chronicle recognizer CRS [34] is used to compute the support of patterns. Then, the temporal constraints are computed as an interval whose bounds are the minimal and the maximal temporal extent of the delay separating the occurrences of two given events in the data-set. Chronicles are very interesting because they can model a system behavior with sufficient precision to compute fine diagnoses. Their extraction from a data-set is reasonably efficient. They can be efficiently recognized on an input data stream.

Relational data-mining [16] can be seen as generalizing these works to first order patterns. In this field, the work of Dehaspe for extracting first-order association rules have strong links with chronicles. Another interesting research concerns inductive databases which aim at giving a theoretical and logical framework to data-mining [44] , [33] . In this view, the mining process means to query a database containing raw data as well as patterns that are implicitly coded in the data. The answer to a query is, either the solution patterns that are already present in the database, or computed by a mining algorithm, e.g., Apriori. The original work concerns sequential patterns only [49] . We have investigated an extension of inductive database where patterns are very close to chronicles [64] .

Mining data streams


During the last years, a new challenge has appeared in the data mining community: mining from data streams [18] . Data coming for example from monitoring systems observing patients or from telecommunication systems arrive in such huge volumes that they cannot be stored in totality for further processing: the key feature is that “you get only one look at the data” [40] . Many investigations have been made to adapt existing mining algorithms to this particular context or to propose new solutions: for example, methods for building synopses of past data in the form of or summaries have been proposed, as well as representation models taking advantage of the most recent data. Sequential pattern stream mining is still an issue [51] . At present, research topics such as, sampling, summarizing, clustering and mining data streams are actively investigated.

A major issue in data streams is to take into account the dynamics of process generating data, i.e., the underlying model is evolving and, so, the extracted patterns have to be adapted constantly. This feature, known as concept drift [65] , [45] , occurs within an evolving system when the state of some hidden system variables changes. This is the source of important challenges for data stream mining [39] because it is impossible to store all the data for off-line processing or learning. Thus, changes must be detected on-line and the current mined models must be updated on line as well.